
What is GPREP?

GPREP, or the Grande Prairie Regional Emergency Partnership, is an organization that coordinates resources, personnel, and the response to large scale emergencies or disasters. We believe by working together, we are more capable, our communities are safer, and our residents are better served.

Who is GPREP?

GPREP is comprised of and funded by five municipalities, they are the:

Personnel from these five municipalities collaborate to prepare for and respond to disasters across the region.

Our Responsibility

GPREP prepares municipalities by coordinating emergency response exercises and providing training opportunities.

GPREP responds to disasters by bringing together key players and establishing a control center to support first responders, and plan and coordinate the emergency response.

Helping Evacuees

Emergency Social Services (ESS) is an emergency response program that provides for the various short-term needs of evacuees during a large-scale emergency or disaster. These services are to preserve the emotional and physical well-being of evacuees.